About Calumet Avenue Chiropractic
Dr. Willhite and the staff are committed to serving people in the most scientific manner available while maintaining an emphasis on treating all patients with understanding and kindness. We seek to be positive and see something good in everything, and it shows. A recent survey showed a high level of satisfaction in all areas of our practice and 88% of our new patients are referrals from friends or family.
About Dr. Dean Willhite, DC, DABCI
Dr. Dean Willhite has been serving the Manitowoc Area for over 25+ years. He was the first chiropractor in the state of Wisconsin to have hospital ordering privileges and is still one of the few chiropractors in Manitowoc to hold these privileges today, which allows him to better treat patients. He is able to run labs, CT scans, ultrasounds, X-rays, and MRI's on patients to better determine whether leg pain or hand numbness is due to a blood clot, diabetes, or hypothyroidism, versus a "pinched nerve." He is able to better determine the cause of back pain, determining it's pneumonia from chest X-rays, instead of a "rib out." He is then able to set up a treatment plan using a non-pharmaceutical approach to their causes of pain and numbness, and has lab access so he can follow progress of the treatments.
Dr. Dean Willhite holds membership in many organizations, such as the Wisconsin Chiropractic Association, American Chiropractic Association, Council of Diagnosis and Internal Disorders, and holds a certification in Internal Disorders. Dr. Willhite also serves on the board of American Board of Chiropractic Specialties and helps on procedures for licensing and recertification. You can see more of his past accomplishments and education below: